Hello, there! My name is Ricardo Mercado and I am originally from Puerto Rico. 2020 and covid-19 forced me to get a hobby to avoid the agony of cutting out MOST of my social life and other hobbies like Brazilian Jiujitsu. Web development became my fun hobby, then engrossing pursuit. I have worked with Shopify, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, React,and basic SQL.
BoricuaDevs(Puerto Rican Developers)is my way of giving shape to an aspiration to help out others that find themselves in a very common situation: needing a starting point for their business or online resume.
Why Boricua Devs?
Boricua (ie. From Puerto Rico), derived from the Taíno word Boriken is used to affirm Puerto Ricans devotion to the island's Taíno heritage. The word Boriken translates to "the great land of the valiant and noble Lord". Borikén was the original name used by the Taíno population before the arrival of the Spanish.
And so I decided to call this venture BoricuaDevs in honor of my Puerto Rican heritage.